So how do you rate the players who took part in the game? We give you the chance to share your views by rating out of ten all the Rams players who took part.
Will your top vote be for Frank Fielding, last games top rated Derby County player. Or will you give John Brayford 10 out of ten?
All the Rams players arguably played to the top of their ability in the game and we expect there will be some high ratings on the Derby County Mad ratings.
Just hover over each set of ten stars beside each of the Rams players who took part in the game. Then click on how many stars you decide what each players deserves. It will be interesting to see who comes out on top of this one.
We will calculate the average star rating for each player later in the week and let you know who came out top of 'your' Derby County Mad star rated player.
We hope to bring you a section in the next rating session to leave your extra comments on the Rams players performances. This rating session is now closed please join us for the results later...